Before proceeding with your card order, please ensure you have completed the following steps:

1. Alignment Requirement: You must be aligned with Smooth Bore CPR & First Aid training site number TS97950. If you haven't completed this step yet, please refer to the alignment section under Instructor Portal for guidance.

2. Submission of Documents: Prior to the issuance of E-Cards, you are required to submit the following documents to in CPR Enroll: 

   - Training roster

   - Skills sheets (Only needed if the student failed the skills)

   - Tests

All documents should be scanned and combined into a single PDF file named according to instructor

For example: smith.01012024.bls (The date is the date of the class not the date of submission)


Username: First initial last name (i.e Asmith)

Password: Paperwork-1

Please do not delete any of your past submitted paperwork as these are your records in the event of an audit. Please do not change the email or password for this account. 

3. Single Class Submission: Submit only one class at a time. Multiple classes submitted in a single order will not be processed, and a refund will be issued after deducting 10% for restocking, administrative, and credit card processing fees.

Thank you for your cooperation and adherence to these requirements. If you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to contact us.

We recommend typing your roster to guarantee accuracy and legibility. In the event that handwritten submissions are necessary, please be advised that illegible paperwork will be rejected, resulting in delays in the issuance of your cards to your inventory.

Paperwork Submission.mp4

Paperwork Submission

Card ordering.mp4

Ordering E-Cards

Heart Saver First Aid CPR



Basic Life Support



First Aid CPR



Bloodborne Pathogens

